As the Moth GP series nears its end, and we look forward to the Nationals and Worlds at Hayling. Magic Marine would like to spice up the final round of the GP Series by offering the highest placed amateur of the overall series, that is also entered for the worlds the opportunity to be kitted like one of the Pros!”

Starting from the bottom, the winner will be kitted out with the super light, ultra flexible, lace-up Tension boot. Next up is the 1.5mm Metalite Long John, the heat reflecting thermal metalite layer means they’ll be wearing a light weight, super flexible longjohn which is ideal for summer sailing (Fingers crossed for a warm worlds!). They’ll also have an option to attach hiking pads if desried. If it isn’t so warm, the ASY F-Zip 4/3 wetsuit is ideal for moth sailing, with full neck closure and diamond protect material in all the right areas. This flexible suit also has the option to take the Pro Pad for hiking. A simple un-complicated Skiff Jacket bouyancy aid will keep you safe, and comfortable. This will all be wrapped in the tight Racing Overtop keeping your drag to a minimum, and looking sharp at the same time! All that is required now is accessories, Sticky gloves, Sunvisor, Sailing Cap, Bungee Cap , the options are endless!!
For those who have won vouchers throughout the GP series, these can be accumulated and redeemed all at once, in case there is something you have your eye on! If not, check out www.magicmarineshop.co.uk to get more information on any of the above or just to have a browse. When you are ready to redeem, email: info@activ-sport.co.uk with your order.
Good luck with the rest of the season and happy sailing!